About me

I am a scientist by profession. I grew up in the South Indian state of Kerala, India and completed my Bachelor’s degree in Engineering Physics at NIT Calicut in 2019. I moved to the beautiful city of Vancouver in 2019 to start my PhD in physics at the University of British Columbia where I work with the SuperCDMS collaboration to find and study dark matter. SuperCDMS is a collaboration of 100+ scientists from universities and National labs from around the world. Presently, the collaboration is building an improved experiment in one of the deepest underground facilities in the world, SNOLAB. I’m involved in several aspects of the experiment.

My supervisor at UBC, Dr. Scott Oser, is an amazing physicist and a statistician who I’ve had the privilege of working under. Academia is an interesting field in that it lets you take on any role you like provided you show the initiative, effort and leadership. So the next sentence will probably sound strange to those of you who are in industry. I am an experimental physicist, a data scientist, a software developer and a lead analysis coordinator for SuperCDMS. To learn more about my roles in SuperCDMS, check out My Research page.

When I’m not out dark matter hunting, I enjoy doing puzzles, swimming and watching horror movies.